Sukritham fame National Award winning director Harikumar was ready with Paranju Theeraatha Visheshangal for a long time, but the film remained unreleased due to unknown reasons, one of which could have been the fact that when the film was being made, Suresh Gopi's popularity was at a low ebb, and distributors hesitated to take the film for release. (The film was canned before Suresh Gopi began his second successful innings in cinema with Bharath Chandran IPS). After a wait of three years, the film has finally found its way to the theatres, but to a very lukewarm response.
Architect Rajeevan and bank employee Vijayalakshmi (Viji) had been married for four years before they went in for a divorce because their relationship became strained due to many reasons. The court ruled that their only daughter Animol should be in Viji's custody till she attains the age of 10. Rajeevan and Viji continue to be friends even after their legal divorce and Viji doesn't object to Rajeevan visiting his daughter, even at school in her absence. They talk over the phone frequently and their talk is not strained in any way.
In the meantime Viji's father Meledaththu Raghavan Nair and her brother Mohan try to persuade her to go in for a second marriage. Rajeevan's mother, his uncle and his colleague and well-wisher Samuel try to persuade him to go in for a second marriage too. And then Ashok, a widower, who is settled in the U.S, comes to Viji's house with a proposal to marry her, while Samuel persuades Anjana Menon, who works in the same firm as Rajeevan and Samuel to marry Rajeevan.
Viji calls Rajeevan and asks his opinion. Rajeevan tells her to go on with the marriage. He discusses with Viji about Anjana and she too approves of the match. In the meantime, when Viji learns that Ashok is not willing to take Animol with them to the U.S, she decides to back off. But later Ashok agrees to take the little girl too. What happens from then forms the plot of Paranjutheeraatha Visheshangal.
Suresh Gopi as Rajeevan and Lakshmi Gopalaswamy as Viji are good. Mannyah as Anjana too is OK. Jagathy Sreekumar delivers a commendable performance as Samuel, while P. Sreekumar as Rajeevan's uncle, Janardhanan as Viji's father, Irshad as Rajeevan's younger brother Sajeevan, Jayakrishnan as Viji's brother Mohan and Sukumari as Rajeevan's mother are their usual selves. Devan appears in a single scene as Ashok and doesn't have much to do.
The film, which is based on a short story named Bali Kaakkakal by E.V. Sreedharan, delves into relationships, but the overall mood of the film is rather glum and the pace is too slow to appeal to the average filmgoer.
The fact that the film moves towards a very predictable climax, and one that is handled in a very cliched manner is a major drawback. There is nothing new or outstanding in the film. The story is good, but that alone is not enough to win the audience over. There is something that the film vitally lacks. The dialogues don't carry any punch. Many scenes seem unconvincing and repetitive. The saving grace is that the story, which focuses on relationships, has universal significance.
Friday, May 18, 2007
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